Aspie Kit is a kit designed by a team of people in the autism spectrum to people in the autism spectrum, teachers, pupils. but even family members and partners. It is a tool to be used at school, which aims, through a gradual path, to raise awareness about the autistic spectrum conditions. The kit is divided into five different units.

Aspie Kit
Contextualisation of school dynamics focusing from a point of view different from the teacher or classmate.
Particular attention to what are the main risks that students with autism face specifically in school contexts.
Understanding of the origins that are the cause of difficulty in interacting with people with autism and the importance of using proper communication in order to improve the quality of life and teaching.
Achievement of the essential tools of fortification, defense and self-efficacy, in order to build an independent life.
These issues can be tackled in the classroom, thanks to the mediation of the teacher during the course of the lesson. The units are designed in weekly meetings and are divided into a listening part and an interaction and educational playing part. One active meeting and one dedicated to feedback and reflection on the previous meeting. Each unit is divided into four parts to be tackled separately.
We have collected stories of lived experience of people in the condition of the autistic spectrum and we have brought them back to you. The testimonies should be read carefully in the classroom. They offer a fascinating point of view about the autism from within.
We have selected among hundreds of articles from news agencies and newspapers to find when and where improper use of terminology concerning autism was used. It is an important part to analyse and comment in the classroom.
The part of the activities is certainly the most funny. Thanks to the help of a teacher, we created moments of playing. The activities part even works as well as a tool to keep track of the learning progress in a kind of diary.
We have selected the key terms of each unit. We then divided them in two columns one for the current definition and one for the definition a person in the autistic spectrum condition would like to see.